Grass Fed Bone Broth Recipe - Health starts in your Gut!

From Chinese Medicine to "Jewish penicillin" (chicken soup), bone broth has been an important natural and holistic remedy in traditional medicines. Over the last few years the amazing benefits of bone broth have come into the mainstream.

Packed with nutrients, minerals, amino acids (Proline & Glycine) , bone broth can:

  • help improve our digestion

  • ease allergies

  • strengthen our immune health

  • support our brain function

  • reduce cellulite

  • re-mineralize our teeth

  • increase hair growth and strengthen hair

  • heal our connective tissue

  • help build our bones

How to make your own bone broth

These days you can actually pruchase good quality, grass-fed, bone broth at your local natural foods store. But Bone broth is super easy to make and will save you some big bucks in the long run! Here's my recipe!!

Note on Grass-Fed meat: I highly recommend getting bones from grass-fed animals. This is because pesticides and hormones get stored in the marrow of the bone. Getting grass-fed non-hormone treated meat and bones will help ensure we don't ingest these unnecessary substances.


bone broth
  • 4 quarts water

  • 2 lbs Grass Fed Marrow Bones or chicken bones. (ask your butcher, or order from a local farm -(Philly area farm)

  • 1-2 stalks celery

  • 1 onion

  • 2 carrots

  • 2 TBS of Apple Cider Vinager (important - to help draw out the minerals)

  • OPTIONAL to tase: Salt, Pepper, favorite herbs, garlic


  1. If you are using beef bones, you can roast the bones in the oven for 20-30 minutes at 350°

  2. Place bones in Large pot or crock pot.

  3. add all ingredients

  4. cook for 24-48 hours (or use an instapot to shorten the time) -

  5. strain and enjoy

Bone broth will stay good in the fridge for 4-5 days otherwise you can freeze it! you can also make other soups out of the broth! add veggies or make pho!

Enjoy! Let me know if you have any questions!

To your health!,



Lance IsakovComment