My Cancer Journey taught me to ask "What Am I Putting on my Skin?"

My Journey to finding safer and healthier cosmetics
By Jennifer Dean Nagle, Reiki Master Practitioner

In the fall of 2018, during my routine annual mammogram, they found something suspicious.

I was 43 years old with little family history of breast cancer. After several tests, I found out I had a malignant tumor and would need surgery and then radiation. I found this out two weeks before my wedding. Sometimes life is crazy.

While undergoing radiation, I had some time to evaluate my life, and I knew I was determined for the cancer to never return. I added essential nutrition into my diet, started exercising more, began to lose (ok, try to lose) weight. These are all the normal steps you might expect after a cancer diagnosis.

But what about what I was putting all over my largest organ? My skin had been soaking in chemicals for decades, without me ever really thinking about it. So I decided to start thinking about it and started my search for and transition to safer but still glamours beauty and personal care products.

I asked around, and literally every person I asked told me about Beauty Counter. Beauty Counter does not use over 1800 suspicious ingredients that are completely legal in the U.S., although many are banned in other countries. They work towards sustainability, and are lobbying to change the extremely outdated laws in America to better monitor chemicals used in beauty and personal care products.

So just like with the food I was eating, and the cleaning products I was using in my home, I made the change to safer beauty and personal care products - and let me tell you how much I love their stuff! Getting my order is like Christmas morning!

So I'll give you the challenge that was given to me a couple of years ago - for the next few days, write down every product you put on your skin, from when you wake up in the morning to when you go to bed at night. I bet it's a higher number than you would have guessed. Then go to and put each of those products into the search bar. They will rate how safe your product is, if they test on animals, and other ways of evaluating. You will likely be shocked at the results.

The last couple of years have been challenging in so many ways. For me, it's been a difficult journey but I'm cancer free, and my skin looks amazing! Let 2022 be the year you really take all of your wellness seriously and stop putting scary chemicals on your skin.

In addition to offering Reiki , and because I am so passionate about these Beauty Counter products, I am now providing them to the Village Wellness Community. If you are interested in learning more or purchasing please feel free to visit my Beauty Counter Website. If you have specific questions or want to connect, please feel free to call me at 610-416-5943.

Wishing you health and happiness,


Reiki Sessions | Healthy Beauty & Self Care Products

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