The Earth Element and the Five Flows of Qi

Hi Everyone!

Welcome to our 5th "bonus" season and the energetic movement of the Earth Element in 5 Element Acupuncture... Happy Late Summer!!

Because we are children of Mother Nature we too have the same energy movements that flow in her natural cycle. There are 5 main energetic movements or flows that can be clearly seen as the cycle of seasons in our temperate zone. (Though the flow of these 5 energies still exist in our tropical zones and artic zones.)

The Five Flows of Qi (energy):

⬇ Autumn - The Metal Element - Descending movement, letting go, loss

➡ Winter - The Water Element - Still,persistence movement, power, regenerating

⬆ Spring - The Wood Element - Uprising movement, birth, growth

⽕ Summer - The Fire Element - dancing energy, playfulness, blossoming

꩜ Late Summer - The Earth Element - holding energy, nourishing, supporting

The Late Summer & Ther Earth Element

Late Summer is such a sweet and nurturing time of year isn't it? The fruit is sweet, the air is sweet, even the light is sweet, right!? And best of all we have a surplus of yummy fruits and veggies, the sweet gifts from the growth and busyness of Spring and Summer. 

In Late Summer, the activities of Summer start to slow down while harvest time kicks into gear. The plants and trees offer fruit and vegetables that are ripe and bountiful. Food is available for all animals to get fat and happy before fall approaches and preparation for winter begins. Late summer reminds us that Mother Earth gives us all that we need without asking anything in return.

So how does this the energetic movement of Earth and Late Summer show up in us? 

In 5 element medicine, the goal is to keep the energy moving through this natural cycle of seasons. This will help to imbue us with the gifts of the elements. 

Emotionally: The Earth Element shows up as the emotions of sympathy, empathy, and compassion. It's our ability to give and receive caring feelings and mothering energy.

Physically, The Earth Element shows up as our Digestive System, in particular our Stomach, Spleen, and Pancreas, the parts of us that break down, digests, and helps to transport nourishment around the body. 

Spiritually, The Earth Element gives us the ability to feel an inner nourishment, stability, security, and abundance. Ultimately, we overflow with this energy and are able to share our bounty with others.

When the Earth Element is in balance we have the gifts of nurturing, thoughtfulness, nourishment, taste, sympathy, stability, and home.

When the Earth Element is out of balance you may feel obsessive worry or sympathy. You may be self-centered or insecure. You may not be able to give or receive help or care from others. You may feel a lack of abundance, like you how much you have it is still not enough. You may experience, muscle pain, digestive problems, ulcers, headaches, or even cancer. You may have issues with your relationship with food and body image.

***Curious about the rest of the elements? Read my ebook: 5 Element Acupuncture & you. (use the code "ancient wisdom")

If your Earth Element Qi is feeling stuck here are 4 practices that can help:

1. GIVE! Lend a helping hand to a neighbor in need; give a random gift to someone in your life; volunteer your time at a homeless shelter or food kitchen; Give out hugs; Literally, feed your partner or friend =)

2. GRATITUDE! Keep a daily gratitude journal; Give thanks to Mama Earth and the creatures on her for providing you nourishment; When you say "Thank You" look the person in the eye and mean it from your heart. 

3. RECEIVE! Consciously accept the thank you's, gifts, and offerings of others; Be aware of the processes of taking in food, chewing and digesting; When someone gives you a hug, shakes your hand, or gives you a high five...What is it like to really take it in?

4. ACUPUNCTURE:  If you have been receiving seasonal acupuncture treatments, between now and October is the perfect time to come in for your Late Summer session. We can help bring Nourishment to your body, mind, and soul! If you are new to acupuncture, massage, nutrition, or energy medicine, now is the perfect time to jump into sessions =) 

Well my beloveds, I hope you have the most ABUNDANT late summer!! Enjoy all the sweetness and the gifts of our generous Mother - Pachamama - Gaia - Mother Earth.

Lots of love,


Village Builder, Five Element Acupuncturist, Kamasqa Curandero, Shamanic Teacher, Kundalini Yoga & Meditation Teacher

(On behalf of the whole VW team)

P.S. We are opening up our schedule for even more holistic medicine spots! You can sign up for: Acupuncture, Reiki, Shamanic energy work, Integrative Massage, Holistic Psychotherapy, Past Life Regression, Astrology, and more by simply clicking on this green button below to access our nifty online scheduler!

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