if you're struggling with hair loss, acupuncture may be able to cure that too!!!! -

December 15, 2022


Been going to VW since it opened over 20 years ago. The experiences have been no less than amazing. However over the past 3-4 community acupuncture treatments the unimaginable has happened. Somehow it was detected that my scalp was really really tight! So, as requested, Gabrielle and Carey have been treating for a more relaxed scalp. Miraculously, my gorgeous locks, which have been thinning during my 60th decade, have blossomed and my hair is as thick as it was decades ago!!!!!!! (Makes sense - tight scalp - reduced blood flow - less hair). Just sayin' - if you're struggling with hair loss, acupuncture may be able to cure that too!!!! - bela ligosi