acupuncture Lance Isakov acupuncture Lance Isakov

lance has been my acupuncturist for 12 years now and our work together has truly changed my life. He listens with compassion and my treatments are always the perfect potent medicine.


Lance has been my acupuncturist for 12 years now and our work together has truly changed my life. He listens with compassion and my treatments are always the perfect potent medicine. I am so grateful for his skillful and heartfelt work. - Hannah

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Past Life Regression Lance Isakov Past Life Regression Lance Isakov

I had a really amazing experience with Sue. This was my first one on one past life regression session.


I had a really amazing experience with Sue. This was my first one on one past life regression session. Having an understanding of past lives prior to this, I wanted to go a bit deeper and I knew I needed some assistance. I instantly connected with Sue just from our conversation. She was so easy to talk to and to share stories with. She helped me navigate through what I was seeing and helped me understand how I can apply this information to my current lifetime. I went into this session thinking a ton of things about what I may see or feel. This was very therapeutic for me and I thoroughly enjoyed this experience. -Janine Devanney

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acupuncture Lance Isakov acupuncture Lance Isakov

Every experience I have had at Village Wellness has been nothing but pleasant! I have seen both Lance and Carey for acupuncture


Every experience I have had at Village Wellness has been nothing but pleasant! I have seen both Lance and Carey for acupuncture. Carey is helping me reduce the number of migraines I have through acupuncture. It has been a huge help! Highly recommend coming here!! Very safe and clean during the pandemic as well, which makes me feel better coming here. - Nina Buck

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acupuncture Lance Isakov acupuncture Lance Isakov

Fabulous acupuncture session with the gifted Lance Isakov! Gua Sha for my overworked and stiff shoulders and muscles. Feeling Fabulous!!! I


Fabulous acupuncture session with the gifted Lance Isakov! Gua Shaw for my overworked and stiff shoulders and muscles. Feeling Fabulous!!! I have been seeing Lance and the village Wellness (Formerly Wayne Family Wellness)-since 2008. Best thing I have ever done for myself. - laura Puco

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Holistic Classes & Events Lance Isakov Holistic Classes & Events Lance Isakov

Siubhan leads a perfectly timed sequence of Hatha poses, plenty of variations and modifications for every level. Peaceful but motivating practice. Thank you for holding the space


Siubhan leads a perfectly timed sequence of Hatha poses, plenty of variations and modifications for every level. Peaceful but motivating practice. Thank you for holding the space 💜💜💜💜 - stef mowry

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acupuncture Lance Isakov acupuncture Lance Isakov

Carey is incredible. I love absolutely everything about Village Wellness


Carey is incredible. I love absolutely everything about Village Wellness, and she even surpasses my 5 star review of this amazing place. I give her 10 stars for her care and concern and how she goes above and beyond in every way to help me heal. I love Gabrielle’s accupuncture as well—she is also soo incredible. She has helped me regain the numbness in one of my fingers. I recently went to see Gabrielle feeling very stuck and left feeling amazing. I could feel the unwinding in my body! Can’t go wrong with anyone here, in my opinion. I have seen Lance as well, he integrates so many modalities into one amazing experience! - Suzanne G.

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acupuncture Lance Isakov acupuncture Lance Isakov

I have been going to village wellness for some time now and I cannot praise this place highly enough. My acupuncturist is very dedicated and concerned about my well-being.


I have been going to village wellness for some time now and I cannot praise this place highly enough. My acupuncturist is very dedicated and concerned about my well-being. I have greatly benefited from her care. Also, the people that work there are very friendly, when I met them before Covid. At this point, they take every precaution necessary to keep their clients and themselves safe. Highly recommend - Sabine Kroese

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