
Welcome to Village Wellness!

Dear Main Line Today reader,

Best of the Main Line?!, Wow! What an honor! It feels so amazing to know that the medicine we practice has an impact! To show our appreciation we would love to share these 3 wellness related gifts with you

  1. A complimentary copy of "The Five Elements and What They Say About You" ($9.99 on Amazon)! We are curious about which element you most resonate with - so let us know!

  2. A free ear acupressure chart. Simply squeeze these points to help bring relief from allergies, overwhelm, insomnia, anxiety, and depression.

  3. A humungo coupon for immediate online access to our highly acclaimed meditation program for under $10 (usually $49)!

    AND 4…. a BONUS extra gift: a 20% coupon off an initial session of: 

    • Acupuncture (any style)

    • Astrology or

    • Reiki

Simply tell us where to send them: