Village Wellness. a main line holistic acupuncture center in Berwyn, PA 19312

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Life, gratitude, and subtle connection

Hi Everyone,

I am just feeling so grateful and connected to the magic of life and i wanted to share it with you. A couple of days ago i had a severe anaphylactic shock reaction to a wasp sting while hiking with my 3 year old, Luna. Just in case you are wondering - i made it =) And it was with so much grace and many miracles that i did!

Amazingly the perfect people aligned to be present exactly, and i mean exactly when i needed them. 

My neighbors were called by my wife Amy and they happened to be walking right down the street and saw me as i was losing consciousness. They were able to take care of Luna and Nimbus the dog and RAN to my house to get my Epipen. AND then an emergency room doctor just happened to be walking right there! Right there when i needed them most, the universe conspired to shower me with - what i'll just call angels in action. If that alignment of souls did not arise, i might not be here to write this letter. 

Its times like these that really put things into perspective. I just have so much gratitude for life and am so thankful that i have the gift of spending my precious time doing the work i love to do with you. 

And since we never know when the bell will toll for us, i want to take this opportunity to thank you so much for allowing me to be part of your journey, it's truly an honor!

If life gets you down, you get lonely or upsets happen, remember that there is no doubt that a subtle but powerful force connects all of us! 

To a long and happy life!!! 
Lots of Love,

p.s. Oh and keep your eyes open for Albert Einstein put it "Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous.”