Happy Summer Solstice! Lance's Summer Letter 6/21/2022

Hi Everyone!

Well, today is gonna be a very long day…… What with the summer solstice and all…..

Happy Summer!!!! Happy Longest day!!! I love the Summer! Yahoo! 

As an acupuncturist and shamanic practitioner, I am fascinated with the cycle of seasons both in the world around us and as they show up in my patients. 

One of the founding principles of acupuncture and shamanism is that as the world expresses the cycle of seasons, the same cycle happens within us. As within so without, as without, so within.

As a practitioner, my goal is to keep my patient's energetic flow moving smoothly through this internal natural cycle. When it gets stuck that's when dis-ease, pain, or upset occur. Knowing how to get it unstuck is my one and only job! When the flow is clear my patients feel better. Why? Because our bodies are already AMAZING self-healers, I am only helping by putting the body in the best context for self-healing.

I have been quietly studying the seasonal energetic patterns over the past 22 years. In this letter I talk about how I see the energy present in summer, how it relates to us, and what we can do, right now, to feel even better than we already do! 

In Summer we experience the sun at its highest and hottest and give thanks for the energy of Fire that it offers us. The powerful growth spurts of springtime have given way to an abundance of new life. We have beautiful plants, flowers, yummy vegetables, and powerful healing herbs. There are buzzing insects and noisy birds squawking in the loudest voices they can.

Summer is the time of year the energy of nature is at its fullest, biggest, brightest, and most mature. Life is shining and moving as powerfully and openly as it can. 

In us the energetic movement that summertime represents shows up as our fullest capacity of being. The dynamics of energy, heart, love, playfulness, intimacy, relationships, and joy are at their peak. 

When the shining Summer energy (FIRE element) within us gets out of balance we may feel sad, lonely, shy, doubtful, confused, anxious, or depressed. We may find it hard to make friends or have intimate relationships. We may feel low energy, lack warmth or experience insomnia, or, in extreme cases, even develop heart disease.

When Fire is balanced, it offers us the gifts of warmth, partnership, compassion, joy, laughter, and touch. This connectivity shines a light on our soul's path. 

If your Summertime energy or FIRE element is feeling stuck, here are a few of exercises that can help!

DANCE! Turn on your favorite music and let your body move! You can even sing along if you want. There is a wonderful saying from Zimbabwe that goes: "If you can talk you can sing, If you can walk you can dance" If you need some dance music, Here is one of my favorite songs from my home country, South Africa.

LAUGH! Why were the ants confused? Because all their uncles were ants. HAHAHAHAHHAHA. Do what it takes. read jokes online...tell the good ones to a friend or your beloved. watch a comedy or listen to a comedian!

HAVE A FIRE! Gather your friends and make an old-fashioned campfire. Tell stories and jokes, make smores, sing songs. PS...Grandfather Fire always likes a good joke..the dirtier the better =)

If you have been receiving seasonal acupuncture treatments, now is the perfect time to come in for your Summer session. We can help bring Joy to your body, mind, and soul!

If you are new to acupuncture now is the perfect time to jump into sessions =) Read some of our Reviews to hear about some patient experiences. 

Click here to schedule your session or text us at 610-203-3747

Lots of love,


Village Builder, Acupuncturist, Yoga Teacher, Shamanic Teacher

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