Village Wellness. a main line holistic acupuncture center in Berwyn, PA 19312

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Lance's Summer Letter 2023

"The solstice is a reminder that we are part of something much larger than ourselves. It's a time to celebrate our connection to the universe and all its wonders." 
- Neil deGrasse Tyson


Hi everyone!!

Happy Summer Solstice!?! As I sit here, outside on my patio, on the first official day of summer wearing shorts and a super warm, cozy fleece, it's a striking contrast to the usual expectations of warmth and sunshine that accompany the start of summer. As I watch a few leaves fall from the trees, It almost feels like autumn has made a guest appearance within my beloved summer.

To add to this, inwardly, I'm feeling so tender and open-hearted today - not in a bad way, but in a beautiful way. This is an amazingly clear re-membering of how I am, and we all are, part of nature and intricately interconnected with the seasonal energies and universal flows. 

In my beloved Five Element Taoist theory, which forms the basis of the acupuncture I practice, each season is associated with one of the elements: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water.

Summer aligns with the Fire element, symbolizing warmth, connection, relationship, vitality, sexuality, and passionate energy. However, the presence of coolness and overcast skies reminds me of the Fall and the Metal Element, with the energy of letting go, introspection, spiritual connection, and the beauty of transition.

This moment's unique tapestry of energetic patterns is expressing itself in various forms: the blending of seasons, with autumn emerging within the summer; the interplay of elements, where metal resides within fire; and the mingling of emotions, with grief entwined amidst open-hearted joy.

This interplay reflects the wisdom of balance and interconnectedness. The Fire element embodies the energy and brilliance that the summer solstice represents; that wide open heart, the longest day, and the climax of energy, while Metal element signifies clarity, introspection, beauty and refinement; the sense of awe and the sacred spiritual connection that comes with grief. 

The coolness and overcast skies become a reminder that even amidst the fiery energy of summer, there is indeed space for introspection and the cultivation of inner beauty and strength. 

So, as we embrace this unusual weather on this beautiful, special day,  let us learn from the wisdom of Mother Nature and the 5 Elements. Let us celebrate the fiery energy of summer while honoring the coolness of metal. May we find balance within ourselves, recognizing that the ebb and flow of seasons and seasons within seasons, mirror the cycles of our own lives; That we are nature, we are the universe.  

With each heart beat and every breath, may we experience the harmony of opposites and celebrate the interconnectedness of all things within the vast universe.

With so much love and tenderness,


P.S. If you would like to get a fuller picture of 5 elements Theory feel free to download a copy of my tiny, little 5 elements & you ebook
(Use the code “ancientwisdom” at checkout and it will be a gift or feel free to pay me if you want, but no pressure)