Happy New Year! Trusting the Magic of Beginnings: Reflections on Winter, Resolutions, and Attention
"And suddenly you know: It’s time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings."
— Meister Eckhart
Welcome to 2025!
I hope your New Year’s Eve celebration was exactly what you needed, whether that meant gathering with friends and family, watching the ball drop, or—like me—falling fast asleep under cozy covers, deep in dreamtime. There’s something so comforting about easing into the new year wrapped in warmth and quiet, isn’t there?
The Energy of New Beginnings
As January unfolds, I’ve been reflecting on the energy—and let’s be honest, the hype—that surrounds the start of a new year. Everywhere we turn, there’s talk of resolutions, fresh starts, and making this the year.
For many, this can feel like an inspiring time, but if you’re not quite feeling the spark of something new, let me assure you—that’s completely natural.
We’re still in the heart of winter. In the rhythm of nature, this season is about rest and restoration. In Chinese medicine, winter is governed by the Water element—a time for stillness, reflection, and deep inner work. Trees conserve energy, the ground lies fallow, and the world slows down. Winter isn’t a season for rushing into new beginnings—it’s a season for listening, dreaming, and gathering strength.
Balancing New Year Momentum with Winter Wisdom
So how can we balance the cultural momentum of the New Year with the wisdom of nature’s timing?
I’ve been reflecting on how I want to begin 2025, and it’s led me to think about resources—a very wintery thing to consider. Resources like money, time, and the things we hold onto most tightly.
For a long time, I believed that time was my most precious resource. But lately, I’ve started to see it differently. It’s attention that holds the real magic. Where my attention goes, my energy follows, and ultimately, so does my life.
Take social media, for example. I could have all the time and money in the world, but if my attention is spent mindlessly scrolling Instagram, where is it really going? To companies that have paid a lot of money to grasp it—and to algorithms designed to keep me there.
Here’s a surprising stat: In 2024, the average daily time spent on social media worldwide was 2 hours and 24 minutes. For people aged 18–24, it was closer to 3 hours a day! That’s a lot of energy going somewhere.
This year, my resolution is simple: to be more intentional about where I direct my focus. I want to see attention as the highly valuable resource it truly is. I’m committed to giving it to what nourishes me and the people I care about—and to gently release what drains me.
Winter Resolutions to Honor the Season
If that resonates with you, here are four “winter resolutions” that align with the quiet energy of this season:
🌊 Rest: Make time for stillness—whether it’s a nap, a quiet cup of tea, or simply sitting and doing absolutely nothing.
💭 Dream: Use this time to reflect on what truly calls to you. Write it down, sketch it out, or simply hold it in your heart.
📚 Feed Your Curiosity: Pick up a book or try something creative—not because you have to but because it feels good.
💖 Focus Your Attention: Choose one thing—a conversation, a moment, or a task—and give it your full, undivided presence.
Aligning with the Energy of Spring
If you’re eager to take advantage of the New Year’s energy but aren’t quite ready yet, remember: Chinese New Year is just around the corner, on February 10th. This time marks the very first stirrings of spring—the underground energy of growth and renewal beginning to take shape. Snowdrops and crocuses are quietly gathering strength, ready to greet the light.
The Wood element energy of spring brings with it upward momentum, fresh starts, and new movements. It’s a beautiful reminder that true beginnings come when the time is right—not just when the calendar says they should.
Embracing the Stillness
For now, let’s honor the stillness. Let’s embrace the quiet magic of this season and trust that everything we need is already taking root.
Here’s to a year of meaningful focus, gentle growth, and plenty of cozy moments.
Wishing you a magical winter and a fantastic 2025!