Village Wellness Update

Hey everyone! We hope you are enjoying our sliding scale online classes and online sessions!

We have been closed 1 month as of yesterday.

Income wise we are making about 10% of our normal income from our online classes, sessions, and gift cards purchases, and donations. 

Expenses wise our landlord, Eadeh, is using our security deposit to help pay for our upcoming rent, but there is no rent reduction - anything we can't pay now we will have to pay back later. We also are still trying to keep up with our utilities. 

We have applied for a PPP loan - but like most small businesses haven't received anything yet.

So, I am reaching out to you for help! Below are 5 ways you can offer us support. 2 of which cost nothing =)

Thank you so much!
<3 Lance (on behalf of the whole team at VW)

1. Please take part in our offerings! - We have AWESOME practitioners trying to help our community with EXCELLENT holistic wellness support. 

Sliding Scale Online Classes/workshops--->

Affordable Tele-Medicine Holistic Health -->

2. Share about our community and offering on social media (you can even share this post) 

3. If you have had a 5 star experience at village wellness please leave us a google review! --->

4. Purchase a gift card for future use! --->

5. Help us get access to the Small Business Relief Fund via Gofundme. They will be issuing $500 matching grants to qualifying businesses that raise at least $500 on GoFundMe. --->

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