Reiki & Chakra Balancing

chakra balancing main line philadelphia

Reiki & Chakra Balancing with Jennifer

Reiki and Chakra Balancing are gentle, energy-based healing practices designed to restore harmony and balance to your body's energy centers. Through the ancient Japanese art of Reiki, healing energy is channeled into the body to release blockages, reduce stress, and promote deep relaxation. Chakra Balancing focuses on aligning the body's seven main energy centers, or chakras, to enhance physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Reiki and Chakra Balancing

with Jennifer Dean Nagle Reiki, Reiki Master

Initial Session: 90 min ($185)
: 60 min ($125 )
Followup Deepening Session
:75 min ($165)

Distance Sessions

Distance Reiki: 45 min ($80)
Distance Reiki: 75 min ($110)

*Choose between tele-sessions & in-person via the scheduling button below

Reiki Savings Program

Love Reiki as much as we do? Come regularly to feel your best!

(In-Person sessions only)

Learn more —> Reiki Savings Program

Upcoming Trainings and Classes with Jennifer

About Reiki

Reiki is a Japanese healing art that helps the body to engage its inner resources and promotes balance.

It is a gentle, non-manipulative light touch that can help bring a client into a deep state of relaxation. In this state, levels of cortisol and adrenaline drop and it is easy for the client's body to relax and focus on self healing.

During a typical session the client is fully clothed, laying on a massage table. Most recipients report feeling rested, a sense of wellbeing and peace, pain relief and better sleep. 

Please allow 1.5 hours for your initial session. This give us time to learn about your health concerns and goals, answer any questions you may have, and do a session. Typical Follow up sessions are 1 hour and our deepening session are 1.5 hours.

What are the benefits of Reiki? 

Here are just a few of the many examples: 

  • Relieving and managing pain

  • Bringing about a sense of peace and wellbeing

  • Relieving anxiety, stress and worry

  • Increasing relaxation and focus

  • Relieving side effects of medication

  • Speeding up the body's healing process 

  • Getting clarity

  • Relieving insomnia

  • Connecting with your inner wisdom and creativity

  • Relieving side effects from cancer treatments

  • Improving blood pressure

  • Strengthening the immune system

  • Supporting and nurturing body during pregnancy and postpartum times

  • Increasing fertility

Reiki sessions can be targeted to certain areas if you have an acute issue. 

courtesy of ABMP.

How many sessions should I have?

Just one session can change be a powerful support!

Reiki is cumulative so it can be beneficial to receive a series of sessions to help get more lasting results. 

Typically clients come weekly for 1 month and then begin to space out sessions to bi-weekly and then monthly.

Your practitioner will discuss with you her recommendations for your personalized treatment plan after your initial session. 

Distance Reiki Sessions 

Village Wellness offers in-person as well as distance reiki sessions.

Distance reiki has the same results as in-person reiki, but you can stay in the comfort of your own home.

This is a great alternative to in-person sessions over the winter on those bad weather days. It's also perfect for those being extra careful about Covid and other winter season cold and flu - plus reiki helps improve your immune system!

Sessions are done remotely and can be offered to clients anywhere in the world.

This is a great way to offer healing support to friends and family who may not live in the area.

Distance sessions can be just as effective as in-person sessions. 

About Chakra Balancing

What are Chakras? 

The word Chakra is a Sanksrit word meaning “wheel” or “circle”. Chakras are individual circular spinning wheels of energy located throughout the body. The Chakra System is a network of energy channels connecting these wheels and is mapped throughout the whole subtle body.

When we experience physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual trauma, our chakras can get blocked. This prevents energy from flowing freely, like a kink in a garden hose. Eventually, chakra blockages can lead to physical illness, stress or anxiety, sleep issues, and prevent you from growing spiritually. 

What to Expect: 

During a session, Jennifer will use energy healing to remove energy that is no longer serving you, and clear energy blockages throughout your chakra system. She may use crystals, essential oils, or other tools to assist in this effort. Jennifer will discuss specific concerns you are having, and will work to alleviate those issues. 

At the end of the session, you will feel balanced, alert, and extremely relaxed. Benefits of Chakra Balancing are: 

  •  Relieving and managing pain

  • Bringing about a sense of peace and wellbeing

  • Relieving anxiety, stress and worry

  • Increasing relaxation and focus

  • Speeding up the body's healing process 

  • Getting clarity

  • Relieving insomnia

  • Strengthening the immune system

  •  Supporting and nurturing body during pregnancy and postpartum times

  •  Increasing fertility

Ready to Begin?

Book your session now to start your transformative healing journey with Village Wellness.

Your Reiki Master

Some Nice Things our Reiki Clients have said about their Experience


Shamanic Energy Medicine

