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Anima Botanica - a 3 part series to remember our place in the web of life

Anima Botanica -A series of workshops to remember our place in the web of life

Anima Botanica -A series of workshops to remember our place in the web of life
with Amy Mermaid Isakov

Dates: April 20, April 27, May 4, 2025
Time: 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Location: 7 Stars Sanctuary, Valley Forge Mountain, Phoenixville, PA

🌿 What to Expect

Anima Botanica consists of 3 full-day workshops. Each day is an immersive journey into the living intelligence of the natural world. Rooted in the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition, these workshops offer a deep dive into the shamanic worldview, plant spirit communication, and sacred relationship with place.

Through experiential practices, storytelling, and ritual, we’ll explore what it means to belong to the land, and how to remember ourselves as part of the great web of life.

Each day includes guided teachings, outdoor connection, creative expression, and a shared potluck meal in community.

🌱 Workshop Themes & Schedule

Each of our three gatherings follows a similar rhythm—offering plant study, guided drawing, shamanic journeying, and earth-honoring rituals. What shifts each time is the plant spirit we commune with. Through this deep and repeated structure, we cultivate relationship, trust, and connection with the more-than-human world.

🌸 Why Join?

  • Deepen your connection to the land and its living spirits

  • Learn foundational practices of plant spirit communication

  • Explore animist and shamanic wisdom rooted in the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition

  • Participate in community rituals of offering, gratitude, and belonging

  • Nourish your creativity and sensory relationship with nature

  • Share meals, reflections, and beauty in a sacred circle

📚 Recommended Reading

  • The Flowering Wand by Sophie Strand

  • Plant Spirit Medicine by Eliot Cowan

  • The Secret Language of Plants by Stephen Harrod Buhner

🌾 Details

Format: Three in-person daylong workshops
 April 20, April 27, May 4, 2025
Time: 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Tuition: $315 for the full series or $300 each with a friend. (use the code Buddylove) .
***Note: If you would like to join but cannot make all 3 classes - please let Amy know - drop in price is $125/day 
Location: 7 Stars Sanctuary – a peaceful, private space on Valley Forge Mountain in Phoenixville. Directions will be provided upon registration.

🧺 What to Bring:

  • Journal & pen

  • Refillable water bottle

  • An object that connects you to the sacred or natural world

  • Blanket or pillow to sit on

  • Dish to share for community potluck (optional but encouraged)

Space is limited and will fill quickly.
Reserve your spot below. If the registration says “no times available,” the class is full. To join the waitlist, please email Amy at

Credit to Village Wellness will be given for emergency cancellations.

About Amy

April 13

Tree Communion: Deepening our Shamanic Relationship with Trees

April 23

Monthly Integration Circle