Pic by Katya Mamadjanian
You’re invited
Join Lance Isakov sanctioned teacher in the Pachakuti Mesa Shamanic Tradition, in a powerful ceremonial space to create and tune your very own Pachakuti Mesa.
This workshop is for spiritual seekers, or those curious, of all traditions, who are interested in developing a deeper relationship with both the seen and unseen worlds.
What is The Pachakuti Mesa Tradition (PMT)?
The Pachakuti Mesa Tradition is a Peruvian-based, cross-cultural, living Shamanic tradition. “Pachakuti” means “world reversal” and refers to the time of transformation we are living in now. A mesa is an altar for self-exploration, transformation, and personal growth in which we create a new paradigm of one’s relation to the Self and the Universe. This tradition, in all its richness, is an evolving practice of inner and outer activities that restore balance and harmony to our relationships with All That Is.
What is a Pachakuti Mesa?
In the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition, we interact and build relationships with these unseen realms through the creation of a specific type of medicine ground, altar or mesa called the Pachakuti Mesa. This sacred patterning of elemental expressions becomes the seat of spiritual vision and the game board for interacting with all of creation.
The goal of our time together:
The main focus of this hands-on workshop is to ceremonially set up and activate your very own Pachakuti Shamanic Mesa.
Through this powerful process will also explore::
Our Shamanic Lineage
The 5 directions and how each represents an aspect of self.
The 3 worlds
To Bring:
A square cloth that will serve as the ground of your mesa - (minimum 1-foot sqaure - maximum 2-foot square)
A Stone
A Shell
A Feather
A votive Candle (in glass)
A personal power piece of your choosing
Some optional offerings to have/bring - (Lance will have them for you as well)
Florida waters/Flower water/hydrosol/perfume
3 bay leaves
Saturday, April 29th, 10 am - 3 pm
(we will have a break for Lunch - please bring snacks/food/water)
7 Stars Medicine Lodge, Valley Forge Mountain, Phoenixville, PA (directions given upon registration)
$45 OR $40 each if you come with a friend (use the code “BUDDY” at checkout for the discount)
*no one turned away for financial reasons
Note: this workshop typically sells out and we have very limited space- so please reserve your spot by paying below - note: If the class says “no times available” it is full. If you would like to be on the waitlist please email Lance at Bewell@Villagewellness.net
Sorry, no refunds or transfers. Credit to village wellness will be given for emergency cancellations only.
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