Join Amy Mermaid Isakov for a day long ceremony communing with the Natural World.
We will spend the day in two main activities -
- Befriending and harvesting our incredible ally of transformation and dreamtime, Mugwort; and
- creating a Despacho, or mandala like offering, to all the unseen beings who participate in this dance of life with us.
No experience necessary.
Please Bring:
- a snack
- something to sit on (blanket or beach chair if you prefer)
- A reusable water bottle
- a sacred item for the mesa (altar) that will return home with you.
- Scissors
- A bag for your mugwort [shopping bag would be fine]
Village Wellness - 6 Waterloo Ave. Berwyn PA 19312 - Feel free to park in any of the parking lots!
*We may be outside for part of the event so please bring rain gear!
$40 solo or $35 if you bring a friend. [Kids 16 and under are FREE*]
*Kids are welcome but it's not necessarily a kid event. There will be plenty of space for them to run around and they can participate in whatever parts they like, but we would want them also to be respectful and quiet when that's called for, so I leave it up to you! My 7 3/4 year old daughter will be there.
PLEASE RSVP so we can send you directions (a couple days before). GPS will not get you there. Thanks!
About Amy:
Amy Mermaid Isakov is a Pachakuti Mesa Carrier as taught by don Oscar Miro-Quesada and is passionate about spirituality, music, art, and how the Divine can manifest in all its forms. Having left the traditional education path, she has studied in-depth with shamans, bodyworkers, thought-leaders, and green builders. She finds herself blessed and grateful to be of service at The Shift Network as a course manager and to the greater Shift in our Collective Consciousness. When not on the computer (or being a mom or playing bananagrams), she takes her shoes off and lets the Earth sing her songs.