Filtering by: “With Lance & Amy”
Wednesday Night Link Up

Wednesday Night Link Up

Hey Everyone!

Join us on the 2nd Wednesday of the month (unless noted elsewhere) for a community, guided meditation and healing ceremony.


Ceremony @ 7:45 pm


7 Stars Medicine Lodge, Phoenixville
(directions given with registration)

Please Bring:

  • If you are joining the potluck please bring food that you enjoy to share.

  • an arte or sacred object for the altar (it will return home with you).


You must register to let us know you are coming. Donations are gratefully accepted and not necessary.

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Summer Solstice Shamanic Ceremony

Summer Solstice Shamanic Ceremony

Please Join us on the Summer Solstice for a Ceremony facilitated by Amy and Lance

shamanic summer solstice ceremony

It is a profound opportunity to gather in community and communion with the earth on this powerful day of full sun and the height of nature’s energy.

Please bring your music, song, poetry, art, or silence in a sacred raucous around a holy altar on the summer solstice to give back to the earth and all our relations for the abundance of Light and Joy!


Phoenixville - private residence (location given upon registration)


Satursday, June 22 @ 11-1pm

Please bring:

  • A refillable water bottle

  • A special-to-you object (like a crystal, photo, ring, etc) for the mesa (will return home with you)

  • A biodegradable offering i.e. flowers, seeds, tobacco, cornmeal, etc.

  • If you are able, please wear a WHITE


$25 solo or $20 each with a friend (use the coupon code BUDDY)

Note: note: If the class says “no times available” it is full. If you would like to be on the waitlist please email Lance at

About your Ceremonialists

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Five Element Nature Reconnection Walks with Lance and Amy

Five Element Nature Reconnection Walks with Lance and Amy

Join Lance and Amy for an immersive experience as they guide you to reconnect with nature on these Five Element Seasonal Shamanic Nature Walks. This event is perfect for families and friends looking to reconnect with nature at a deeper level and explore the profound wisdom that comes from our collective Earth-honoring traditions.

What is Shamanism?

Shamanism is a cross-cultural, non-religious, folk-healing tradition rooted in the fundamental belief that everything, including humans, animals, and nature, possesses a spiritual essence. It highlights the interconnectedness of all things and promotes harmony with nature as core principles. Shamans, as practitioners, serve as intermediaries between the physical and spiritual realms, utilizing rituals and practices to connect with the spiritual essence of the world for wisdom, healing, and guidance.

What are the Five Elements?

Taoist 5 Element Theory is a concept rooted in Taoism, an ancient Chinese philosophy and is the basis of Lance’s 5 Element Acupuncture tradition. It suggests that there are five elements—Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water—that represent different aspects of nature and the universe. These elements are not merely physical substances but symbolize energies, qualities, and interrelationships. According to this theory, each element has its unique characteristics and influences specific aspects of the natural world. The interactions and cycles between these elements create a dynamic balance and harmony in nature. This theory helps us understand and interpret the patterns and transformations observed in the natural world, providing a framework to understand how different elements interact and support one another both in nature and ourselves.

The flow of our Walks

We will start off in the mansion at the Willows with a short introduction. Then we will embark on a spiritual journey through the captivating woods of the Willows. Lance and Amy will lead the walks once per season, allowing you to witness the ever-changing beauty of nature as each element takes center stage.

Through their guidance, you'll gain a unique perspective on the interconnectedness of all things. By observing nature's elements—Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water—you'll develop a deeper understanding of their symbolism and how they manifest in the world around us.

Whether you're a nature enthusiast, a spiritual seeker, or simply curious about the wisdom of the five elements, this event promises an enriching and transformative experience. Prepare to immerse yourself in the healing power of nature and tap into the profound teachings of ancient shamanic traditions.


The Willows Mansion
490 Darby Paoli Road,
Villanova, PA 19085


  • Please do not wear any perfumes or other strong scents.

  • The difficulty of the hike is moderate due to 2 short but steep hills. If you need assistance please let us know so we can accommodate you.

  • Please meet us inside the Mansion


Sundays 10:00 AM-12:00 PM Once per season


Sliding scale: $10-$30* Use the “Pay what you want” feature when registering.
note: half of all proceeds go to support the Willows Park Preserve, and half goes to support programming at Village Wellness.

*no one is turned away for financial reasons


Please note that spaces are limited, so early registration is recommended to secure your place. We look forward to welcoming you to these rejuvenating and enlightening walks amidst nature's splendid beauty!

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Spring Equinox Shamanic Ceremony

Spring Equinox Shamanic Ceremony

Please Join us on the Spring Equinox for a Ceremony facilitated by Amy and Lance

It is a profound opportunity to gather in community and communion with the earth on this powerful day of balance and align with the greater rhythm of the cosmos.


Phoenixville - private residence (location given upon registration)


Monday, March 20 @ 6:30-8 pm

Please bring:

  • A refillable water bottle

  • A special-to-you object (like a crystal, photo, ring, etc) for the mesa (will return home with you)

  • A biodegradable offering i.e. flowers, seeds, tobacco, cornmeal, etc.

  • If you are able, please wear a WHITE top and a BLACK bottom


$25 solo or $20 each with a friend (use the coupon code BUDDY)

Note: note: If the class says “no times available” it is full. If you would like to be on the waitlist please email Lance at

About your Ceremonialists

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Five Element Nature Reconnection Walks with Lance and Amy

Five Element Nature Reconnection Walks with Lance and Amy

Join Lance and Amy for an immersive experience as they guide you to reconnect with nature on these Five Element Seasonal Shamanic Nature Walks. This event is perfect for families and friends looking to reconnect with nature at a deeper level and explore the profound wisdom that comes from our collective Earth-honoring traditions.

What is Shamanism?

Shamanism is a cross-cultural, non-religious, folk-healing tradition rooted in the fundamental belief that everything, including humans, animals, and nature, possesses a spiritual essence. It highlights the interconnectedness of all things and promotes harmony with nature as core principles. Shamans, as practitioners, serve as intermediaries between the physical and spiritual realms, utilizing rituals and practices to connect with the spiritual essence of the world for wisdom, healing, and guidance.

What are the Five Elements?

Taoist 5 Element Theory is a concept rooted in Taoism, an ancient Chinese philosophy and is the basis of Lance’s 5 Element Acupuncture tradition. It suggests that there are five elements—Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water—that represent different aspects of nature and the universe. These elements are not merely physical substances but symbolize energies, qualities, and interrelationships. According to this theory, each element has its unique characteristics and influences specific aspects of the natural world. The interactions and cycles between these elements create a dynamic balance and harmony in nature. This theory helps us understand and interpret the patterns and transformations observed in the natural world, providing a framework to understand how different elements interact and support one another both in nature and ourselves.

The flow of our Walks

We will start off in the mansion at the Willows with a short introduction. Then we will embark on a spiritual journey through the captivating woods of the Willows. Lance and Amy will lead the walks once per season, allowing you to witness the ever-changing beauty of nature as each element takes center stage.

Through their guidance, you'll gain a unique perspective on the interconnectedness of all things. By observing nature's elements—Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water—you'll develop a deeper understanding of their symbolism and how they manifest in the world around us.

Whether you're a nature enthusiast, a spiritual seeker, or simply curious about the wisdom of the five elements, this event promises an enriching and transformative experience. Prepare to immerse yourself in the healing power of nature and tap into the profound teachings of ancient shamanic traditions.


The Willows Mansion
490 Darby Paoli Road,
Villanova, PA 19085


  • Please do not wear any perfumes or other strong scents.

  • The difficulty of the hike is moderate due to 2 short but steep hills. If you need assistance please let us know so we can accommodate you.

  • Please meet us inside the Mansion


Sundays 10:00 AM-12:00 PM Once per season

  • Winter: January 14th, 2024

  • Spring: April Date TBA

  • Summer July Date TBA

  • Late Summer: August Date TBA


By Donation
note: half of all donations go to support the Willows Park Preserve , and half goes to support programming at Village Wellness

Use the “Pay what you want” feature when registering or bring your donation with you
*no one will be turned away for financial reasons


Please note that spaces are limited, so early registration is recommended to secure your place. We look forward to welcoming you to these rejuvenating and enlightening walks amidst nature's splendid beauty!

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Winter Solstice Ceremony with Amy & Lance

Winter Solstice Ceremony with Amy & Lance

“Your assumptions are your windows on the world.
Scrub them off every once in a while or the light won't come in.”
― Alan Alda

Hello Everyone!

Join us as we gather together in circle to celebrate the deepest part of our cycle - the Winter Solstice!

We will be facilitating a special Despacho Ceremony to release and compost assumptions that no longer serve us. Assumptions are the kin of expectations and these end up limiting our world.

As we release assumptions of both ourselves and others we help remove limits and create greater freedom.

Please bring your instruments, a song, poem, art, or silence to share in a sacred raucous around a holy altar as we prepare ourselves for the deep and fertile dark.

Ayni (Exchange):

*no one is ever turned away for financial reasons - reach out if you need support

Please Bring

  • An Arte (special-to-you item) for the central altar (it will go home with you)

  • A small amount of your favorite food or spice (for the offering)


Phoenixville, PA (Directions will be sent upon registration)

No refunds.

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 Shamanic Foundational Apprenticeship with Lance & Amy – Valley Forge Mountain 2023-2024 (WAITLIST)
to Oct 1

Shamanic Foundational Apprenticeship with Lance & Amy – Valley Forge Mountain 2023-2024 (WAITLIST)

Shamanic Apprenticeship

A 200+ hour, in-depth study in the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition (PMT):
Cross-Cultural Shamanic Arts for Personal and Planetary Renewal
with Lance Isakov and Amy Mermaid Isakov
Sanctioned Shamanic Teachers in the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition

You are invited on a sacred year-long transformative journey…

  • Discover a soul-animated user-friendly multiverse

  • Participate in 12 initiatory intensives over the year

  • Participate in 12 Community Healing Ceremonies

  • 200+ hours of in-depth apprenticeship with two lineage-sanctioned teachers

  • Be part of a sacred cohort, a hoop of like-minded, spiritual aspirants.

  • Join an evolutionary community of shamanic initiates

  • Create your personal healing altar ground

  • Apprentice traditional ceremonial arts of Peru

  • Reclaim your life as a heart-awakened steward of Mother Earth

About the Shamanic Apprenticeship

The Pachakuti Mesa Tradition™ (PMT): Cross-Cultural Shamanic Arts for Personal and Planetary Renewal is a series of immersive intensives that aligns the traditional teachings of Peru and the wisdom of its heritage with the needs of the present day.

Providing a comprehensive foundation and profound initiation into the living heart and soul of the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition, this apprenticeship ensures participants cultivate a deeper relationship with nature and the unseen world, receiving multiple opportunities for self-exploration, empowerment, and personal growth.

This powerful series is open to all people who desire to be of service to themselves, their families, their community, and Mother Earth, whether they are long-time mesa carriers or new to this tradition. The Pachakuti Mesa was originated by Oscar Miro-Quesada, known worldwide as a Peruvian Kamasqa curandero.

Benefits of the apprenticeship:

  • Greater connection to spirit, nature, and heart-awakened community

  • A tangible way to offer healing for self, others, and the world at large

  • A knowledge that you are keeping this ancient sacred wisdom alive for future generations

  • Provides a practical and compassionate outlook for navigating these times

  • Offers a time-proven experiential path for safely exploring non-ordinary realms of consciousness

  • A community that honors unity in diversity and teaches love by the way we live

You will leave this apprenticeship with powerful healing tools that you can use for your own soul’s growth and help your friends, family, pets, mama earth, your clients, or patients.  

Who is this Apprenticeship For?

  • People who love to adopt and make friends with rocks, crystals, feathers, shells, etc.

  • Healers looking for a tradition to hold and evolve their practices within

  • If you are reading this, this apprenticeship is for you — Welcome Home!

  • Anyone looking to find meaning in life through deeper spiritual relationship and communion with our Great Originating Mystery

  • Beginners, intermediate, and advanced practitioners of shamanic arts

  • Folks from all walks of life who seeking to maximize their presence as sources of healing light in the world

The PMT apprenticeship has changed my life. I view everything with so much more appreciation and awe as well as with a greater sense of personal responsibility. In each of the five weekends over the year, I learned so many things (material, meditations, practical applications and more) and then had the opportunity to go home and integrate it into my life for a few months and then reconvene to do it again. Each weekend, my understanding grew deeper. I wish it didn’t end, but I so appreciate the community I am now a member of and look forward to more classes in the future. My personal and community connections continue to grow through the Wednesday night link-ups and other gatherings.
— Suzanne G, Phoenixville, PA


Training includes 12 monthly community healing circles* and 12 Initiatory Intensive weekends (Saturday-Sunday)

*Monthly circles take place on the 2nd Wednesday of every month from 7:30-9:00 pm

Weekend Schedule:

Saturday 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM (occasionally 10PM)
Sunday 10:00 AM-6:00 PM


7 Stars Medicine Lodge
(Address available upon registration)
on Valley Forge Mountain
Phoenixville, PA 19460

DATES: 12 in-person weekend immersions

Weekend 1 - September 30 - Oct 1, 2023

Weekend 2: October 28 - 29, 2023

Weekend 3: Dec 2-3, 2023

Weekend 4: January 27 - 28, 2024

Weekend 5: February 24 - 25, 2024

Weekend 6: March 23 - 24, 2024

Weekend 7: April 27 - 28, 2024

Weekend 8: June 1-2, 2024

Weekend 9: June 29-30, 2024

Weekend 10: July 27-28, 2024

Weekend 11: August 31- Sept. 1, 2024

Weekend 12: September 28 -29, 2024


The tuition below is for the full apprenticeship which includes 12-weekend intensives, 12 community gatherings, apprenticeship materials, email/phone support, and private group access. Participants also receive 50% off private shamanic healing sessions with Amy or Lance during the apprenticeship year.

$3333 paid in full (Venmo) or 12 monthly payments of $300 **

**note: We never turn anyone away for financial reasons

Cancellation Policy
We know that schedules can change and cancellations are sometimes necessary. Tuition will be refunded less cancellation fees according to the following schedule:

$300 cancellation fee up until  4 weeks prior to the first day of class.
No refunds for cancellations less than 4 weeks prior or no-show.   (In cases of family emergency or illness we will put your tuition towards a future apprenticeship.)

All cancellations must be in writing, by email that has been acknowledged and responded to by us. Cancellation dates are the date of an email response by us.  Refunds will be processed within 2 weeks of request.

Covid19 Policy

Our medicine lodge will have plenty of fresh air circulating. It is heated with a wood stove.. Masks are optional. Anyone who feels unwell or has any cold symptoms is asked to stay home. We also ask everyone to take care to remain extra mindful of their contacts in the week before we meet so we can continue to enjoy a safe and peaceful mask-optional gathering.

For Questions: Contact Lance

REGISTRATION is FULL - if you would like to be on the waitlist please complete the application form below.

Application form

Once we review your application we will be in touch with next steps.

Please take your time to thoughtfully answer the questions below

About Lance Isakov,
Sanctioned Teacher of the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition

Lance has been drawn to shamanism since he was 5 years old and has practiced holistic and traditional medicines since 1996.

With diverse training in multiple healing arts, Lance currently practices as a licensed Five Element Acupuncturist, Shamanic energy medicine practitioner, and Yoga & Meditation teacher at his center Village Wellness, outside of Philadelphia. Lance is passionate about fostering the healing relationship between practitioner and patient and building a community focused with Loving awareness at its core.

for more about Lance visit his bio page at Village Wellness.

About Amy Mermaid Isakov,
Sanctioned Teacher of the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition

Amy Mermaid Isakov is an innovative dreamer, passionate about connection, spirituality, music, ritual arts, and how the Divine can manifest in all its forms. Having left the traditional education path, she has studied in-depth with shamans, bodyworkers, evolutionary thought leaders and green builders since 2001. While working at The Shift Network, she hosted and managed all of don Oscar’s courses, while having the privilege to host and learn from many of the world’s leading mystics, dreamers and visionaries. She is a Pachakuti Mesa Sanctioned Teacher, writer, singer and mother — among other things — and looks forward to helping as many people as possible return to the truth of interconnection in this time of dire beauty. She regularly leads gatherings in her region and beyond, subscribing to the truth she recognizes in Thich Nhat Hanh’s teaching “The next buddha will be a sangha.” Amy resides in Pennsylvania.

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Five Element Nature Reconnection Walks with Lance and Amy

Five Element Nature Reconnection Walks with Lance and Amy

Join Lance and Amy for an immersive experience as they guide you to reconnect with nature on these Five Element Seasonal Shamanic Nature Walks. This event is perfect for families and friends looking to reconnect with nature at a deeper level and explore the profound wisdom that comes from our collective Earth-honoring traditions.

What is Shamanism?

Shamanism is a cross-cultural, non-religious, folk-healing tradition rooted in the fundamental belief that everything, including humans, animals, and nature, possesses a spiritual essence. It highlights the interconnectedness of all things and promotes harmony with nature as core principles. Shamans, as practitioners, serve as intermediaries between the physical and spiritual realms, utilizing rituals and practices to connect with the spiritual essence of the world for wisdom, healing, and guidance.

What are the Five Elements?

Taoist 5 Element Theory is a concept rooted in Taoism, an ancient Chinese philosophy and is the basis of Lance’s 5 Element Acupuncture tradition. It suggests that there are five elements—Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water—that represent different aspects of nature and the universe. These elements are not merely physical substances but symbolize energies, qualities, and interrelationships. According to this theory, each element has its unique characteristics and influences specific aspects of the natural world. The interactions and cycles between these elements create a dynamic balance and harmony in nature. This theory helps us understand and interpret the patterns and transformations observed in the natural world, providing a framework to understand how different elements interact and support one another both in nature and ourselves.

The flow of our Walks

We will start off in the mansion at the Willows with a short introduction. Then we will embark on a spiritual journey through the captivating woods of the Willows. Lance and Amy will lead the walks once per season, allowing you to witness the ever-changing beauty of nature as each element takes center stage.

Through their guidance, you'll gain a unique perspective on the interconnectedness of all things. By observing nature's elements—Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water—you'll develop a deeper understanding of their symbolism and how they manifest in the world around us.

Whether you're a nature enthusiast, a spiritual seeker, or simply curious about the wisdom of the five elements, this event promises an enriching and transformative experience. Prepare to immerse yourself in the healing power of nature and tap into the profound teachings of ancient shamanic traditions.


The Willows Mansion
490 Darby Paoli Road,
Villanova, PA 19085


Sundays 10:00 AM-12:00 PM Once per season

  • Late Summer: Sunday, August 27th, 2023

  • Fall: November 19th, 2023

  • Winter: December 17th, 2023

  • Spring: April Date TBA

  • Summer July Date TBA


Suggested Donation of $10*/person (half of all proceeds go to support the Willows Park Preserve )
Use the “Pay what you want” feature when registering or bring your donation with you
*no one will be turned away for financial reasons


Please note that spaces are limited, so early registration is recommended to secure your place. We look forward to welcoming you to these rejuvenating and enlightening walks amidst nature's splendid beauty!

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An Equinox Sacred Fire & Intro to our Upcoming Shamanic Apprenticeship

An Equinox Sacred Fire & Intro to our Upcoming Shamanic Apprenticeship

Do you feel the natural world calling to you? Do you wish you knew how to answer?

We will be offering a Foundational, Year-long apprenticeship in our lineage called the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition. This is a cross cultural Peruvian based practice rich with skills that will allow you to have a living relationship with the seen and unseen world(s).

Curious about it? Join Lance and Amy Mermaid Isakov, sanctioned teachers of the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition, around the Fire.
We will:

  • Spend time in community around the Fire honoring the Spring Equinox

  • Answer questions about Shamanism, our apprenticeship, and what that will mean for you, what this tradition + lineage is, or who we are as teachers?


A Sacred Fire to celebrate the Spring Equinox, talk about Shamanism, and introduce our upcoming Shamanic Apprenticeship.


7 Stars Medicine Lodge (Chaska Punku) on Valley Forge Mountain in Phoenixville, PA
(full address given upon registration)


Sping Equinox, Sunday March 20th at 7pm

How much?

Free. Donations accepted but not expected.

About the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition (PMT)

The Pachakuti Mesa Tradition was created by don Oscar Miro Quesada, a Peruvian altomisayoq and northern coastal curandero. don Oscar has woven together the ancestral shamanic teachings received during his lengthy apprenticeships with two Peruvian shamanic lineage traditions. The PMT cosmovision and ritual and ceremonial practices you will learn in the apprenticeship provide a powerful architecture for the unfoldment and remembering of your soul purpose. For more information on the PMT, please visit and enjoy the PMT web page

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Winter Solstice - Full Moon - Pachakuti Mesa, Kundalini Yoga & Shamanic Sound Healing Journey

Winter Solstice - Full Moon - Pachakuti Mesa, Kundalini Yoga & Shamanic Sound Healing Journey

sound healing super moon

Join Us for this SPECIAL Kundalini Yoga & Sound Healing Session CELEBRATING the Winter Solstice AND Full Moon! With Lance AND special guest, Shamanic Practitioner extraordinaire…Amy Mermaid.

The first half of the class is dedicated to ceremonially opening space, stretching, expanding and raising our energy through Kundalini Yoga & Breathwork.

During the second half of the class laying in Shivasna (corpse pose) or sitting in meditation, you will bliss out and touch the infinite as you bathe in the AMAZING universal vibrations of the GONG!!!

This class is open to everyone and absolute beginners are encouraged to attend!

Please note that this can be a very powerful experience, if you have questions please call Lance at (610) 203-3747. Dress comfortably and bring a mat/towel and blanket. 

Cost: $30 or $25 each (bring a friend rate - or pay online rate)

To Bring: Yoga Mat, Pillow, blanket - (we have some if you don’t have)

Booking Notes:

  • Class size is limited and this class usually sells out.

  • If you are bringing a friend, they need to register as well.

  • You may pay online (get a discount) or at the door

  • No refunds. There is a strict 24 hour cancellation policy with a $25 fee for late cancellations or no-shows.

***For Last minute sign ups (less than 12 hours) OR if the class if full email to register or be put on the waiting list! otherwise sign up below:

*** The next date is Friday Jan 18th - feel free to click the button below to book.

What our students are saying about the journey

I left last night's group feeling lighter and brighter. The experience of the sound meditation is one I would recommend to people who'd like to nurture themselves on a very deep level. It's like pushing the "reset" button on your operating system!  - Jane, Berwyn, PA

I find Gong Meditation fascinating. Lance is a gifted musician. The sounds that he is able to get from this instrument defy explanation. For me, it makes time seem to stand still. Afterwards I feel as though my brain has been massaged. I feel clearer and more centered. - Mary, Berwyn

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