Gabrielle Geib, M.Ac., Licensed Acupuncturist

Gabrielle Geib, M.Ac., Dipl. Ac. (NCCAOM), L.Ac.

Licensed AcupuncturistCommunity Acupuncturist

Master of Acupuncture Studies (Won Institute of Graduate Studies), Board Certified Diplomate of Acupuncture by the NCCAOM (National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine),  Licensed Acupuncturist, Reiki Level II practitioner

I have always loved the life sciences. When I was little, I used to help my mom in the garden, and my dad would talk to me about hematology. Life fascinates me: how it works, and how we work. I particularly love cellular and organismal biology. 

When I was in middle school, I started taking some yoga classes. Then, my mom brought home a flier for a tai chi class. That was my first experience of Chinese Medicine. I was amazed at how right it felt, and how I felt so much calmer and better after doing tai chi. 

In my last semester of high school, I had the opportunity to shadow an acupuncturist after school twice a week. I was amazed. I heard people's stories. I watched their symptoms diminish. So many patients pulled me aside to say, “This stuff really works!” From then on, I have been on the path of learning acupuncture.  

I attended Loyola University Maryland, where I earned a Bachelor's of Science, Summa Cum Laude. I majored in Biology and minored in Asian Studies. I took eight Chinese language classes and spent a semester studying abroad in Beijing, China, where I had the opportunity to witness how Chinese Medicine is practiced there today and to immerse myself in the culture and language that inform it. While at Loyola, I also encountered Community Acupuncture for the first time. Community Acupuncture is a format designed to make acupuncture treatment accessible to all. You can learn more about Community Acupuncture at Village Wellness here. While at Loyola, I also began my study of ju-jitsu, which is an art that, like acupuncture, involves self-knowledge, focus, intention, and a philosophy of redirecting energy. 

I began my journey as a healer by studying Reiki I and II with Usui Reiki Master-Teacher Maryann Marian. I earned a Master's in Acupuncture Studies from the Won Institute of Graduate Studies, where I graduated as a co-valedictorian. At the Won, I had the blessing of learning from many teachers who practice diverse acupuncture traditions. I have studied Traditional Chinese Medicine, Five Element Acupuncture in the lineage of J. R. Worsely, sports medicine acupuncture, and the styles Dr. Tan and Kiiko Matsumoto. 

In my time as a healing practitioner  I have had the honor of helping patients: diminish pain (musculoskeletal, nervous, inflammatory, migraine), improve circulation to extremities, regain sensation in extremities, release chronic tension, reduce stress, process overwhelming emotions, reduce anxiety, lift out of depression, regulate appetite, improve digestion and elimination,  reduce excessive urination, regulate the menstrual cycle, improve breathing after bronchitis, experience more restful sleep, feel refreshed and energized, and regain the sense of moving forward in life and overcoming disease. 

I want you to help you feel better, feel your best, feel healthy and vital and alive. I look forward to working with you. 

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