Liver 1 - Great Esteem - Empowering Vision while Rooted in Integrity

Once upon a time, in a bursting meadow, there grew a magnificently tall Mama Oak tree. She wore her robust strength proudly and held a beautiful, solid position for all to behold.

 At her base, where her roots reached down into the nurturing earth, lay a special place called Great Esteem - a special point of re-membering that grounded her into her True Self.

Each season, when it was time for new leaves and branches to emerge, Mama Oak would muster up all her energy from her roots and send it upwards to fuel her growth.

Now occasionally, like all beings, Mama Oak faced challenges. One spring, as she envisioned her summer magnificence, she realized that some unruly, wild branches didn't align with the rest of her body. These outgrowths could potentially block sunlight and hinder her flourishing. Clearly, she needed help remembering her authentic self! It was time for a pilgrimage to Great Esteem.

Mama Oak sent her imagination down to this powerful point on her big toe root, hoping to access the resources to boost her confidence. Instantly, she felt a surge of clarity course through her rings, re-membering who she truly was. 

"Ah yes, I am the mighty Mama Oak," she affirmed, reconnecting with her identity and principles. "Though my branches may get unruly at times, my core purpose is to stand tall - grounded yet flexible against the winds. To provide shelter, beauty and sustenance through my strength."

Revitalized by this visionary reminder, Mama Oak could prune away the overgrown deadwood with assurance, clearing space for optimal growth in harmonious alignment with her truest nature. Her trunk stood straighter, her leaves unfurled more vibrantly and pointed toward the sun's radiance. The animals, plants and humans around her felt the restorative power of her re-aligned presence.

Such is the magic of Great Esteem...

Great Esteem (LV 1) 大敦

The Jing Well Point, Wood Point, Entry Point, and Horary Point

Physical Level Indications:

  • Harmonizes qi flow in the lower abdomen, treating digestive, reproductive, and eliminatory disorders

  • Benefits the genitals and regulates urination patterns

  • Manages the smooth circulation of Liver qi and adjusts menstrual bleeding

  • Revives consciousness when fainted or disoriented


  • Eases Frustration

  • Eases Anger

  • Eases Resentment

  • Eases Depression

  • helps to strengthen the quality of benevolence

Spirit Level

  • Calms the spirit, restoring a grounded, centered presence

  • Allows reconnection with one's core identity, integrity, and vision

  • Provides confidence and clarity of purpose to move forward


On the dorsal aspect of the big toe, at the junction of lines drawn along the lateral border of the nail and the base of the nail, approximately 0.1 cun from the corner of the nail.

(cun is a “Chinese anatomical inch.” Its traditional measure is the width of a person's thumb at the knuckle.)

How to Stimulate:

You can stimulate this point by gently massaging it directly for 30 seconds or until you are inspired to take a deep breath.

Feel Amazing!

Love, Lance