Gall Bladder 24 - Sun & Moon - An Acupuncture Point to Foster Enlightened Awareness

I've always felt a special connection to this acupuncture point. So much so that Amy and I eventually named our daughter after it - Luna Sol, Moon and Sun. 

This point is a place of full enlightenment. 

In our outer world Sun & Moon brings together the dual aspects of light. The bright, warm light of our local star, the Sun, with the reflective, cool light of the Moon.   

When we close our eyes, though, and tune in, we can see the true nature of reality, where the lines between self and other, light and dark, blur into a beautiful oneness—the Tao. 

This point helps us see the world through the non-dual eyes of the enlightened Sage, where everything is connected and whole.

I use this point for a couple reasons In the treatment room. 

The first is when someone is having a tough time making a decision and needs a bit of extra clarity and fuller perspective. It's like giving them a key to unlock deeper wisdom and see the bigger picture. 

I also tend to use this point when someone is stubbornly stuck in their own, one-sided viewpoint. Stimulating this point gives their perspective a gentle nudge, helping them see beyond their tunnel vision. It helps them relate to the other side/s. 

This acupoint can help to awaken the inner sage in all of us, connecting us to a more enlightened and all-encompassing awareness. 

Gallbladder 24 Sun and Moon acupuncture point

Spirit of the Acupuncture Points

Sun & Moon - GB 24 日月

Meeting point of the Gall Bladder and Spleen channels Front-Mu (alarm) point of the Gall Bladder


Physical Level

  • Liver and Gallbladder Disorders: GB 24 is commonly used to treat conditions related to the liver and gallbladder, such as hepatitis, cholecystitis, and gallstones.

  • Digestive Issues: It can help with digestive problems like nausea, vomiting, acid reflux, and indigestion.

  • Chest and Rib Pain: This point is effective for alleviating pain and distension in the chest and rib area.

  • Respiratory Conditions: It can aid in the treatment of cough, asthma, and difficulty breathing.

  • Jaundice: GB 24 can be beneficial in managing symptoms of jaundice.


  • Emotional Stress: This point can help alleviate stress, anxiety, and emotional tension.

  • Irritability and Anger: It is useful for calming excessive irritability and anger, which are often associated with liver imbalances.

  • Mental Clarity: Stimulating GB 24 can improve mental clarity and focus, reducing feelings of confusion or mental fog.

Spirit Level

  • Harmony and Balance: GB 24 is associated with restoring balance between the inner and outer aspects of the self, promoting a sense of harmony.

  • Emotional Release: This point can facilitate the release of deep-seated emotions, leading to spiritual cleansing and growth.

  • Connection with Inner Wisdom: It helps in connecting with one's inner wisdom and higher self, promoting a deeper understanding of life and self.

  • Integration of Dualities: GB 24 aids in the integration of dualities, such as light and dark, inner and outer, fostering a sense of unity and interconnectedness.


On the anterior chest wall, in the seventh intercostal space (about the width of your hand), directly below the nipple, 4 cun (about the width of 5 fingers) lateral to the midline.

note: cun = anatomical inches, an inch that is relative to your body

How to Stimulate:

You can stimulate this point by gently massaging it directly with your finger for 30 seconds or until you are inspired to take a deep breath.

Feel Amazing!

Love, Lance

P.S. Want more Spirit of the Acupuncture Points?

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