Pericardium 8 - Palace of Weariness - An Acupuncture Point to Rekindle the love, joy and bliss of a weary heart

One of the acupuncture points I hold close to my heart is **Pericardium 8**, also known as the "Palace of Weariness." This point is like a sanctuary for the heart, a place where love, joy, and bliss can be rekindled when life has left us feeling worn and weary.

The Pericardium is often referred to as the Heart Protector and Pericardium 8 is right at the center of this protective palace. It's where we can reignite the warmth of our heart’s fire, especially when the burdens of life have dimmed that fire.

When we connect with this point, it's like taking a moment to rest in the inner chambers of our being, where we can gently tend to the embers of love and joy. This is where the heart's true essence lies, unburdened by the stress, pain, and weariness of the outside world.

I find myself using this point often in the treatment room when someone feels emotionally drained or disconnected from their sense of happiness. Pericardium 8 serves as a reminder that even in our most tired moments, the heart's capacity for love and joy is still there, waiting to be reawakened.

This point is also powerful when someone is struggling to reconnect with their passion or is feeling weighed down by emotional heaviness. By stimulating Pericardium 8, we can help them reignite that spark, allowing them to feel more vibrant, alive, and in touch with the blissful nature of the heart.

Pericardium 8 invites us to return to the warmth and joy that reside deep within us, even when we feel weary. It’s a point that reminds us of the resilience of the heart, capable of finding its way back to love and happiness, no matter how tired it may be.

Spirit of the acupuncture points

Palace of Weariness - Pericardium 8 劳宫


Physical Level

  • Heart Disorders: Pericardium 8 is particularly effective in treating conditions related to the heart, such as palpitations, chest pain, and arrhythmias.

  • Heat-Related Illnesses: It can help with issues of heat in the body, including fevers, hot flashes, and inflammation.

  • Hand and Wrist Pain: This point is also beneficial for addressing pain and stiffness in the hand, wrist, and fingers.

  • Digestive Disturbances: Pericardium 8 can be used to alleviate nausea, vomiting, and hiccups.


  • Emotional Exhaustion: This point is ideal for those who feel emotionally drained or overwhelmed, helping to restore emotional balance and vitality.

  • Anxiety and Panic: It can be effective in calming anxiety, reducing panic attacks, and easing feelings of restlessness.

  • Reviving Joy: Stimulating Pericardium 8 can rekindle feelings of joy and happiness, especially when the heart feels weary and disconnected.

Spirit Level

  • Rekindling Inner Fire: Pericardium 8 is associated with reigniting the inner fire of the heart, bringing warmth, love, and bliss back into focus.

  • Emotional Renewal: This point facilitates the renewal of the heart’s energy, allowing for emotional healing and growth.

  • Connection with Love: It helps in reconnecting with the deep sense of love and compassion within, fostering a stronger connection to oneself and others.

  • Restoring Heart-Centered Awareness: Pericardium 8 aids in restoring awareness to the heart, promoting a deeper sense of peace, contentment, and spiritual fulfillment.


In the center of the palm, between the second and third metacarpal bones, closer to the third metacarpal bone, where your middle finger naturally rests when you make a fist.

How to Stimulate:

You can stimulate this point by pressing and gently massaging it with your thumb or another finger for about 30 seconds or until you feel a calming effect. It’s often helpful to close your eyes and take a few deep breaths during the process.

Feel Amazing!

Love, Lance

P.S. Want more Spirit of the Acupuncture Points? 👉🏼

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