Pic by Katya Mamadjanian
Why Am I Offering This Day Long Apprenticeship Now?
We are living through “interesting”, topsy turvy times aren’t we? We are swimming in challenging cultural patterns and earth changes, and it’s intense and can be hard for many of us. There is a collective feeling of disconnect and separation from who we are, from the earth, from the stars, from nature. This apprenticeship is about re-membering. Re-membering who we are and our deep connectivity to all that is. This is a medicine for our times.
What is The Pachakuti Mesa Tradition (PMT)?
The Pachakuti Mesa Tradition is a Peruvian-based, cross-cultural, living Shamanic tradition. “Pachakuti” means “world reversal” and refers to the time of transformation we are living in now. A mesa is an altar for self-exploration, reconnection, transformation, and personal growth in which we create a new paradigm of one’s relation to the Self and the Universe. This tradition, in all its richness, is an evolving practice of inner and outer activities that restore balance and harmony to our relationships with All That Is.
What is a Pachakuti Mesa?
In the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition, we interact and build relationships with these unseen realms through the creation of sacred space and a specific type of medicine ground, altar or mesa called the Pachakuti Mesa. This sacred patterning of elemental expressions becomes the seat of spiritual vision and the game board for interacting with all of creation.
The goal of our time together:
This hands-on workshop's main focus is ceremonially setting up and activating your Pachakuti Shamanic Mesa. But ultimately the goal is to re-member and come into right relationship with our world.
Through this powerful process, we will also explore::
The Lineage of the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition
The 5 directions and how each represents an aspect of self.
The 3 worlds found cross-culturally in most shamanic traditions.
Who is this for?
This workshop is for anyone, from any background and tradition, who is interested in developing a deeper relationship within and without.
To Bring:
A square cloth that will serve as the ground of your mesa - (minimum 1-foot square32 - maximum 2-foot square)
A Stone
A Shell
A Feather
A votive Candle (in glass)
A personal power piece of your choosing
Some optional offerings to have/bring - (Lance will have them for you as well)
Florida waters/Flower water/hydrosol/perfume
3 bay leaves
Saturday, November 9th, 10 am - 6 pm
(we will have a break for Lunch - please bring snacks/food/water)
7 Stars Medicine Lodge, Valley Forge Mountain, Phoenixville, PA (directions given upon registration)
$95 OR $85 each if you come with a friend (use the code “BUDDYLOVE” at checkout for the discount)
*no one turned away for financial reasons
note: interested in going even deeper? Join us for our yearl long shamanic apprenticeship. Learn more 👉🏼 Foundational Shamanic Apprenticeship in the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition – Valley Forge Mountain 2025