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Seeing with the Heart :: Shamanic Creativity series with Damini Celebre

  • Village Wellness 6 Waterloo Avenue Berwyn, PA, 19312 (map)

With Damini Celebre

Seeing with the Heart :: Shamanic Creativity series
True Self • Totem • Teacher

shamanism + creativity

Shamanism is the most ancient spiritual practice known to humankind. Some anthropologists believe that this practice dates back over 100,000 years.

A contemporary understanding of a shamanic practitioner is a person that sees with their Heart. (vs. not with our heads). And that our Heart is the portal into our inner guidance and Soul's truth.

Many of us are familiar with two significant aspects of Shamanism: the journey for guidance and as a healing modality. Although the types, styles, and systems of Shamanism vary widely depending on the origin of the culture, what is common in each, is the use of creativity to interpret the message, vibration, and healing from Spirit; in the form of weavings, sculpture, drawing, story-telling, music, and theater.

about this 3 part creativity series

This series will use the cross-cultural technique of the Shamanic Journey combined with intuitive drawing to explore and create Shamanic drawings to support you in your journey of transformation,

class explorations

True Self • Totem • Teacher are the three major aspects of your inner guidance.

During each in-person 2-hour session, we will explore, journey, and express one of these aspects of your Soul self in the form of a vibration drawing.

join us to

• Gain new insight into yourself and your gifts

• Experience creativity as a spiritual transformational practice

• Want to connect to the sacred trinity of your Inner Guidance

what to bring

  • face mask

  • an eye covering, such as a scarf or a bandana

  • water bottle

  • All other creative supplies are included

who is this series for?

This series is open to all levels of shamanism and/or creative experience are welcome


Village Wellness
6 Waterloo Ave, Berwyn, PA


Sundays 10 am- 12pm

December 4 - Class 1 - True Self

December 11 - Class 2 - Totem

December 18 - Class 3 - Teacher


$180 or $150 (use the code CREATIVEHEART at checkout for $150)

all supplies included

about your guide

I’m Damini Celebre, Soul Advocate
I have been an artist and healer for a long time, and like you, I’ve tried different ways to be of service to myself and the world. In the many iterations of becoming, I always come back to being a guide. I am dedicated to helping others on their healing journey. The journey of being the most authentic person you could be (or) to be the highest expression that you could possibly be.

About ten years ago, during a shamanic journey, I asked my healing spirits to show me my next step. Suddenly, I saw (and felt) this big pink book on my lap. The title on the cover was Painting the Landscape of Your Soul. It was at that moment that my life took a right turn, and my healing and creative life came together.

I can tell you, I have so many letters that I can put behind my name that would fill a business card! But the truth is. That the accumulation of letters was trying to fill a hole called self-worth. I also worked with some fantastic therapists and healers. Each step of my journey, and yours, I bet, has been invaluable, but my most significant teacher was myself. When I learned to trust in my heart and intuition, I found my self-worth and inner wisdom/power.