With Lance Isakov, L.Ac.
December 21st is the winter solstice, the longest night and the depth of the Winter and water element.
I will be offering a special horary winter treatment, that uses the timing of the seasonal energy along with the Chinese Body Clock to powerfully align you with the Water Element and the gifts of wisdom, stillness, patience, potency, listening, and courage.
When? Friday Dec. 21st from 4:30-5:30 PM. Everyone arrives at 4:15 to start at 4:30!
If you are new to acupuncture at Village Wellness please fill out the new patient intake form
RSVP: Space is limited. Please reserve your spot and pre-pay*** using the button below.
***note: because this is a special class and very limited - your payment to hold your spot is non-refundable.
online booking closes 12 hours prior to session. to schedule day of please call us 610-203-3747