"We practice a unique, powerful, and pain-less style of acupuncture that uses fewer needles with more accuracy and potency. We typically prescribe a series of 12 treatments which can be done weekly or bi-weekly (if you are in severe pain or want quicker results). After this initial series, many patients feel complete and satisfied with their results and may simply come in a few times a year for maintenance treatments."
- Lance Isakov, M.Ac., Licensed Acupuncturist
Please note: we never turn anyone away for financial reasons. Please see our pricing policy.
Acupuncture at Village Wellness
At Village Wellness, our Holistic Acupuncture is grounded in Five Element Acupuncture, seamlessly integrating Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Dr. Tan Style Acupuncture, Kiiko Matsumoto techniques, Facial Rejuvenation, Esoteric Acupuncture, and even Shamanic practices. This unique blend allows us to deliver a comprehensive healing experience addressing your mind, body, and spirit.
Whether you’re seeking relief from pain, struggling with anxiety, or embarking on a journey of self-discovery, our treatments are here to support your holistic well-being.
Acupuncture Sessions
New Patient Acupuncture Session (90 min) – $185
Your first visit includes a detailed health consultation, pulse and tongue diagnosis, and acupuncture treatment. This 1.5-hour session allows us to craft a personalized treatment plan just for you.
Follow-up Acupuncture Session (60 min) – $110 (Savings Program) / $125
Subsequent visits include acupuncture and, if needed, complementary techniques like Moxa, Cupping, and Massage. We recommend 6-8 treatments for optimal results.
Acupuncture Deepening Session (90 min) – $185
On your 6th, 12th, and 18th visits, we offer longer sessions to deepen your healing experience and enhance your long-term wellness journey.
Acupuncture Savings Program
A monthly plan to help you save when you are starting out with treatments
Learn more —> Acupuncture Savings Program
Styles of Acupuncture we incorporate into your sessions:
Holistic Acupuncture
Five Element Acupuncture
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
Chinese Herbal Medicine
Chinese Medicine Modalities included in your acupuncture sessions as needed:
We offer a variety of specialized Chinese & Japanese Medicine services tailored to your needs:
Acupuncture: Fine needles to restore balance and well-being.
Moxibustion: Heat therapy using dried mugwort to stimulate healing.
Cupping: Suction cups that enhance circulation, relieve tension, and detoxify.
Gua Sha: Gentle scraping to increase blood flow and alleviate discomfort.
Massage: Therapeutic bodywork to reduce stress and promote healing.
Qi Gong: Energy-balancing movements and breathwork.
Acupressure: Manual pressure to stimulate healing and relaxation.
Post-Acupuncture Care
At Village Wellness, we provide a professional yet nurturing environment to support your healing journey. Our highly trained practitioners are committed to your well-being. After your acupuncture session, we recommend following these care tips to maximize the benefits:
Hydrate: Drink water to support detox.
Rest: Avoid heavy exertion.
Listen to your body: Pay attention to changes.
Avoid caffeine or alcohol: Let your body rebalance.
Gentle movement: Light stretching or walking promotes circulation.
Use this post-acupuncture care guide as needed; we are always here to support you!
Ready to Begin?
Book your session now to start your transformative healing journey with Village Wellness.