Megan Scott

Megan Scott

Megan consults with business owners across the country on their corporate mission and values, helping them to create sustainable plans for business development, strategic visioning, operational design and growth, while helping their teams discover their priorities and power. 

Personally, she is a wife, mom, daughter, and avid student of the holistic, integrative medicine world as well as organizational design and ethics and as it relates to healthy people and companies.  Knowing that stress creates illness, her personal mission is to find ways to help people reduce and manage stress, create a self-care plan that is sustainable and impactful, and implement an integrated plan to help them and their families live well.  Her bigger vision includes helping people find communities that can support them in times of struggle and champion them in times of success.

Megan truly believes at her soul level that “when I becomes WE, even illness becomes wellness”.  There is nothing more important than being well, and no better way to find a path to wellness than being connected.  Together is better!

If you or your company could benefit from having a conversation about implementing a wellness plan at the personal or organizational level, please connect with me!

The best holistic medicine practitioners this side of the Mississippi
