Heart 9 - Little Rushing In - An Acupuncture Point for Fostering Joy, Appropriate Trust, and Restoring the Spirit
You know that feeling when you are soooooo burnt out, there is ZERO energy for any even inkling of joy? Maybe you feel sad with no logical reason to feel sad? Or maybe the exhaustion shows itself as feeling manic with a bazillion thoughts flying through your head. In these moments it's easy to forget our life direction, our heart purpose. Here's where Heart 9 can help us!
Thank you to Sheila Z. my hand model!
Little Rushing In - HT 9
Jing-Well and Wood point of the Heart (fire) channel
Description; Heart 9 is the wood element point on the fire element channel. Stimulating this point is like adding wood to a fire. On the level of our experience, the equivalent is bringing the qualities of vision and clarity to our heart’s mission. This point helps to rekindle joy and foster warmth and lightness in us. In addition, Little Rushing In reminds us of trust - it brings a feeling of safety and ease as you would experience around a campfire at night. (read more about the specific qualities of the elements in Lance's Five Element ebook)
Physical Level Indications:
Heart pain, pain in the chest (NOTE if present call 911 and seek medical attention asap. )
Heart palpitations
Agitation and restlessness
Clears heat from the tongue, eyes, and throat.
Seizures (NOTE: if present call 911 and seek medical attention asap. )
Stroke (NOTE :if present call 911 and seek medical attention asap. )
Loss of Consciousness (NOTE if present call 911 and seek medical attention asap. )
note: if you are feeling suicidal please call the national suicide hotline - 800-273-8255
Spirit Level
This point fosters joy and helps to restore a burnt-out spirit from agitation or over-work. HT 9 brings the direction of the wood element to the intuition of the heart (fire element). This point is very helpful for bringing clarity and direction to your life.
on the dorsal aspect and radial side of the little finger at the base of the nail.
How to activate this acupuncture point:
Focus your attention on the point
Using your finger or eraser end of a pencil, slowly apply pressure to the point
Slowly increase your pressure on the point and add movement
Stimulate the point anywhere from 30 seconds to 3 minutes
You can do this as needed or try daily for 1 week as an experiment
Notice how you feel
Feel Amazing!
Love, Lance
P.S. Want more Spirit of the Acupuncture Points?
👉🏼 villagewellness.net/spirit
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